Über die Quelle

Since 1977 Capital & Class has been the main independent source for a Marxist critique of global capitalism. Pioneering key debates on value theory, domestic labour, and the state, it reaches out into the labour, trade union, anti-racist, feminist, environmentalist and other radical movements. It analyses the important political, economic and social developments of our time and applies a materialist framework unconstrained by divisions into economics, politics, sociology or history.
Published by SAGE on behalf of the Conference of Socialist Economists. Each issue includes both in-depth papers and an extensive book reviews section. The Managing Editor is Owen Worth and the Book Reviews Editor is David Bailey.
But Capital & Class is not just another scholarly leftwing journal. Its editorial board members are elected representatives of a democratic membership organisation. This organisation, the Conference of Socialist Economists, was founded in 1970 with the aim of fostering the materialist critique of capitalism in the Marxist tradition through non-sectarian debate and discussion. Individual subscribers to Capital & Class become members of the Conference of Socialist Economists with the right to vote at the AGM, elect members to the executive committee and editorial board, and influence policy. Members are encouraged to set up CSE local groups and participate in and initiate discussions and debates about both theoretical understanding and practical action.
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